Fitness Trends for the New Year

  • by JJ Samuel
Fitness Trends for the New Year sportsmedicineweekly

Are you ready to get fit for 2015? It’s a resolution that many of us make and most of us do not take seriously enough to stick to it for more than a month. Let’s make this the year we actually go for it and get fit. Ready?

Crossfit was the name of the game last year. The American Council on Exercise has some predictions for what will be hot in 2015’s fitness landscape. Let’s see what they are and how many actually seem feasible.

The first prediction is that people will use more wearable tech to monitor fitness and biometric data. This makes sense, given the already popularly used Fitbit, Jawbone, and Misfit Shine Trackers. These devices are adding new sensors and capabilities as they develop. The Apple Watch is said to have even more features that will help us understand how our bodies work and what we can do to be healthier.

The second bet is that video-on-demand workout shows will be used more. These are going to replace DVDs in popularity because the workouts will be diverse, the cost is less than a health club, and you can participate in a class led by an instructor without leaving home.

Third, personal training is going online. A live trainer is pricey. Online personal training is increasing in popularity because wearable tech and video conferencing can make the experience just as valuable. It’s also available on-the-go. This will likely be more popular than video workouts because the workouts will be personalized for ongoing success based on results.

Loaded Movement Training (LMT) will be the new buzzword. Rather than resistance training, LMT is defined by moving mass through gravity in task-based patterns that pushes weight training to a new level.

Group programs and classes will offer more individuation. Heart rate monitors will allow instructors to monitor class participants and offer modifications for those who need them to maintain an optimum workout. These are being referred to as “Personalized Group Workouts.” It seems like an oxymoron, but who knows?

So, given the choices above, what do you think the New Year will see as the top trend in fitness? The wearable tech is a no-brainer. It is already popular and more widely used every day. From the very simple to the intricately complex, there is a monitor for every level of fitness and use.

The video-on-demand seems like a good option to replace DVDs, but can they replace the gym experience? If you’ve been working out at home already, it makes sense. If you are more likely to participate if you are in a class, it probably won’t cut it.

Classes should already offer some individuation, tech or not.

I watched a video about LMT because the difference between resistance training and LMT isn’t clear to me. It looks like using weighted equipment used in more fluid, movement based training rather than simply lifting a weight in a prescribed motion in a repetitive pattern. LMT appears to be more active and combines cardio and weight programs.

After looking at the videos and looking at the popularity of last year’s Crossfit, I’m betting LMT is going to take off once people understand what it is and see how dynamic and results-driven it can be. I’m betting on this one. What do you think will be the fitness trend of the year? 

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