Readers Are More Attractive

  • by JJ Samuel

Are you a reader or are you satisfied with that game of Candy Crush on your iPhone? Do you flip through a magazine on occasion or actually sit down and read a novel? A novel. Fiction. If you’re not reading novels, you may not be as attractive to the opposite sex.

There have been studies by psychologists that prove that people that read fiction are nicer and more intelligent. These readers are more likely to listen to others and empathize; to entertain the ideas of others. They have experienced multiple lives through the characters in novels and are more easily able to identify with people.

Reading novels improves what scientist call “theory of mind,” an ability to sense how someone else feels and is thinking in a particular situation. This leads to the capacity to predict what they might do next. The amazing part is how often these predictions are correct. Of course, everyone has some degree of theory of mind, but readers are the most proficient at it.

Raymond A. Mar explored the theory in preschool children and then his theories were expanded upon in further studies including adults. Scientific findings accounted for all variables in gender and personality. The conclusion supported the hypothesis that fiction exposure predicted improved performance in tasks requiring empathy.

Readers tend to be more thoughtful, well-spoken, and self-aware. Reading encourages the reader to fill in the missing pieces of the characters and strive to understand what they are thinking and why they are behaving in certain ways.

Why is this attractive? I hope you really are not asking that question right now as you are preparing to abandon this article and go play League for four hours straight.

Women want you to “get it.” They want you to at least try to figure out why rain hitting the surface of the lake brings them to tears. They want you to be smart, not a smartass. Witty banter is sexy. Put-downs and jokes that make others look stupid are turn-offs. Women don’t want someone smart and obnoxious. They are looking for wise and thoughtful.

The message here is to pick up a book. In fact, go to the library where there is no risk that you have to spend money on something you will use as kindling for your next bonfire, and borrow a half dozen books of different genres. Consider the kinds of movies you like and look for books that fit that type. Librarians are very helpful… and often sexy. Get help if you need it. Pick out a variety so that if you don’t like one, you can try something different. Give each book a fair chance. A few pages isn’t enough to tell (in most novels) if you will end up enjoying a story. Read 50 pages and see what you think.

Take your book with you to the coffee shop, on the subway, to the breakroom over lunch. You may be surprised how many women will see you reading and stop to ask you about your book and end up giving you their telephone number as a bookmark.

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